Many of us underestimate the prayers. Therefore, through this paper we will try to explain the laws on compulsory prayer berjama'ah, because the real problem is the all-important issue.
Allah SWT said many calls sha-lat in the Holy Qur'an Karim. This indicates that important case. Allah SWT says:
Steadfast in prayer, give regular Charity, and rukuklah with those who bow. (Al-Baqarah: 43)
This noble verse is about the obligation nass prayers.
And in the letter al-Nisa 'Allah says which means:
And if you are among them (friends) and you want to establish the prayer along with them, then let a party of them stand (prayer) with thee, and carry guns, and then when they (the prayers be with you) su-shape (has serekat perfect), the hen-daklah them from behind (to face the enemy) and should come second group that has not pray, then they bershalatlah with you, and let them be on the alert and carry guns ... (An-Nisa '102)
In the above verse Allah obliges sha-lat congregation of the Muslims in the war circumstances distinction. What if in a state of peace?!. Already mentioned above that should come .. and the second party had not pray, then bershalatlah with you .... This is the proposition that the prayer in congregation is far-dhu 'ain, is not obligatory kifayah, or sunnah. If legal Fardhu kifayah, congregational obligation must fall for the second group because the first group of redemption. And if the law is the Sunnah, surely the main reason is because of fear.
And in Saheeh Muslim from Abu Hurayrah said:
A blind man came to the Prophet and said: Messenger of Allah, I do not have the leads that will lead me into the mosque. Ma-ka he asked for leniency for prayer at home, then given a dispensation. Then he left, he called him and said: Did you hear adzan? Yes, he said. The Prophet said: Then fill (Attend)!
In this hadith the Messenger of Allaah be upon wassallam not provide relief to Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum radi 'anhu to pray in his house (not in congregation) although there are reasons, including:
- The situation he was blind.
- The lack of guidance to the mosque.
- Away from Masjid house.
- The palm trees and others that there is between his house and mosque.
- The existence of wild animals in Medina.
- Old age and have weak bones her.
Abu Hurayrah that the meri-wayatkan that the Prophet peace be upon wassallam has said:
I intend ordered the Muslims to establish sha-lat. So I ordered one to be a priest and prayed together. Then I leave for the Muslims who carried a bundle of firewood to the people who do not want to come to pray in congregation, and I burn their houses. (Al Bukhari-Muslim)
Above hadith have explained that the determination Messenger of Allaah be upon wassallam to burn the houses because they did not come out for prayers at the mosque. And many more hadith which describe the Prophet stern warning against those who did not attend the mosque for congregational not solely because of their prayer, they even prayed in their homes.
Ibn Hajar said: This hadith has been explained that the prayer in congregation is Fardhu 'ain, because if the prayers were only just Sunnah, the Prophet would not act against those who leave, and if Fardhu kifayah must have enough to work with him and the him.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said: You've seen us, not someone who left the prayer in congregation, except he was a hypocrite who knows nifaknya or a sick person, even one who sakitpun walking (with supported) between the two men to come to pray ( prayers in the mosque). He emphasized: The Messenger of Allaah be upon him taught us wassallam streets of guidance, and one way of guidance it is prayer in the mosque (who pray at the mosque do). (Saheeh Muslim)
Ibn Mas'ud said: Whoever would like to meet with Allah SWT at the end of the day later in a Muslim state, should maintain all the prayers that are called by Him. God Almighty has set the streets to the Prophet's guidance and prayers including one way of guidance. If you sha-lat at home then you have to leave the Sunnah of the Prophet, and you will be lost. Every man who purification well, and then to the mosque, Allah SWT will write every step of the good, picked it up one degree, and delete a crime. You've seen among us, there never was a prayer (in congregation), except a hypocrite who has appeared nifaknya. Once there was a man comes with a guided between two people to set up rows.
Ibn Mas'ud, Abdullah Ibn Abbas and Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari radi 'anhum said: Anyone who heard adzan then he does not come without udzur, then there is no prayer for him.
Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib said: There are no neighbors except the mosque to pray in the mosque. When asked to him: Who neighboring mosque? He said: Anyone who heard the call adzan. Then he said: Whoever heard adzan calls and he does not come then there is no prayer for him, unless he has udzur.
Abandon prayer in congregation is one of the causes for leaving the prayer at all. And keep in mind that prayer is kufr, and out of Islam. This is based on the words of the Prophet: The line between someone with kufr and shirk is prayer. (Narrated by Muslim). Promise between us and limit the unbelievers is prayer. He who left, according to the ruling.
Every Muslim must keep praying on time, doing the prayer that is prescribed in accordance with God, and working in congregation at the houses of God. Every Muslim must obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear of the wrath and siksanya.
There was no denying the prayer in congregation has some wisdom and benefit. Wisdom that looks are:
- Will arise among Muslims will recognize one another and help each other in goodness, faith, and mutual intestate with truth and patience.
- Mutual encouragement to others who had left her, and provide teaching to the ignorant.
- Fostering a sense of hypocrisy tidak-suka/membenci.
- Show syiar-syiar God amidst His servants.
- Support mission in words and deeds.
Hadiths about the necessity of prayer walking and maah implement obligations in the house of God very much, therefore every Muslim must pay attention, and hasten to do it. Also shall notify this to the children, families, neighbors, and all my friends seaqidah that they carried out the orders of Allah and His Messenger and that they were afraid of the prohibition of God and His Messengers and that they distanced themselves from the properties despicable hypocrite, of whom dianta lazy to do the prayer
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