Guidance in achieving family in favor of Islam in which Rahmah was higher than Mawaddah.
According to Prof Dr Hamka, mercy of higher social status than mawaddah intimate because she love between husband and wife who no longer wish berasaskan lust, instead of pure affection which grows from the innermost soul that conjugal happiness is not trimmed and tranquility that is not bounded.
In the al-Quran described Wordpress destination wedding is to achieve quiet and happiness, as the word of God is intended to:
"And among the signs of God's Wordpress He made for you spouses that you find peace / happiness with him. Then God created between you two mawaddah and mercy." (Surah al-Rum, verse 21)
It feels wonderful nature kerana Allah created in pairs. There's lunch, there was also the night. There is a fertile place, some are barren. There are mountain-high range of mountains but there is also the valley and a deep ravine. There are men and there are also women.
God created a partner for humans so they can live hand in hand, berbahagi love and grief and remain together in a sail filled with life thistles, thorns, conjecture, defiance, and in order to reach one cabaran get matlamat sakinah mardatillah family. In addition to peace in the marriage, God also created mawaddah and mercy in the hearts of husband and wife. Some of the commentators and membezakan mawaddah meaning of this mercy.
For them, mawaddah is based on the passion of love of humanity, namely the desire to make the relationship of husband and wife who will give birth and developing human offspring.
Mawaddah or desire to do this conjugal relationship is in line with the age hadnya man himself. If a man was 60-70 years old and 50-year-old woman, this will berkurangan mawaddah. So, at this time that God will lead to mercy or compassion is pure in heart related pairs.
According to Prof Dr Hamka, mercy of higher social status than mawaddah intimate because she love between husband and wife who no longer wish berasaskan lust, instead of pure affection which grows from the innermost soul that conjugal happiness is not trimmed and tranquility that is not bounded.
"(Lawful unto mangawini) maintain the honor of women among the women who believe and muhsonat women among those who received the Scripture before you, when you have to pay a dowry to marry them with the intention, not with the intention of committing adultery and not (also) make it's concubines. "(QS.5: 5).
Muhsonat in the verse is a lady, not a woman any of the scribes.
Why is that rule? Because God wants our marriage lasting, not only in this world alone but to the hereafter.
"And among the signs of His power is that He created wives for you from yourselves, that you tend to, and comforted him, and made his mawaddah and mercy between you." (QS.30: 21).
Let us consider again the meaning of the verse above. Mawaddah that does not mean only love. Love to know the meaning of 'end', but did not know the meaning mawaddah end. Love can be broken, but not mawaddah. What is the meaning of Mawaddah?
Mawaddah basic meaning is empty. Empty our hearts of memory errors ever made by our partners. Husband / wife should be aware that spouse can make a greater mistake than their partners, because it kosongkanlah heart of your partner's fault memory.
Therefore, as long as there is in the heart mawaddah both, there is no word for divorce. God closed the gap as tight-meeting for the divorce, because God does not want it. There should be no longer a gap to legitimize the permissible divorce.
The Prophet said, marriage is a very strong bond (mitsaqan ghalidzha), there is no strong bond between people as strong as marriage or in pairs.
Even if no mawaddah again, it is necessary to ask whether there was a sense of mercy (love) to the wife / husband. Even if a sense of mercy is not there anymore, what about trust? there is still trust in the hearts of each couple.
Amanah including the children, but also including the shame of each partner. A wife willing to show the jewels to her husband that is a mandate.
So when there is someone who will divorce istereinya, then Umar ibn al-Khattab asked him if he had not had a sense mawaddah him? Not answered by these people. Then Umar asked again, is he really has no mercy (love) back to his wife? Answered with no return by the person. Umarpun then asked again? What about the mandate he had given you, and ye also provides trust him?
Here are stressed God is not like to divorce, all the reasons for the occurrence of cracks sealed divorce.
"If you do not like them, (the patient) because maybe you do not like something, but God made him that much good." (QS.4: 19).
Prophet is also more or less like this: "Fear Allah, for the women, who have ditanganmu their decision to divorce. You kawinkan them with sentences of God and be Halal your relationship with them over the sentences of God ".
What is the sentence of God? The sentence of God is only used in the Qur'an only for two things, and Zawaj Nikah (marriage, but the meaning is closer in pairs). The sentence of God is the sentences that contain honesty and fair.
God says that He is not going to change the sentences. So should a man who was married and in pairs if the marriage was on the sentences they surely Allah will not change change. Divorce is to vary the sentence of God. Can not be changed if the marriage and the marriage took place with sentences of God.
"There is no change for sentences (promises) of God." (QS.10: 64).
Paired it should make no difference, for example, the right shoe should be different from the left shoe to be used. Sharp and strong needle must be balanced by the weakness of cloth to be used and made into clothes. If the needle is sharp and strong is not matched with a weak fabric but with a hard cloth such as a wall, then we can not make clothes. So also with human life, between husband and wife, if both want to have a role to be the father then the marriage will not last forever.
Are weak indicating a low degree of cloth fabrics? No. It is a phenomenon of equality, because the strength of the needle when he was alone, there is no fabric there will be no clothes so. Therefore, people who own so many things that have not been optimized or can be realized.
Subhan Allah, Allah made all things in pairs, many lessons that we can ponder.
Married or in pairs is in fact our soul together, thoughts, feelings and physical to our partners. We combine all that is in us by our partners are.
At this time they are no longer thinking about the stick ali, Viagra and other Ubat Ubat-to restore the power of inner strength, but what they want is to fill the final days with worship and draw close to God as close, close together.
They also tried to give good examples, examples and advice to children and grandchildren so that they are not wrong in choosing a way of life in the world of these allegations. This is nature's mercy.
Viewing the case in our country, where reported to have occurred many older couples who split up with kerana want to get married younger, it can be said Wordpress rahmah crisis in perkahwinan to be matlamat sex.
At this moment, as if God only gives us pleasure mawaddah but drew mercy. As a result, cases like the above to be more and more domestic happiness away.
Will reduce the mercy of God in one's family if the family fostered respect for God's intentions for calmness. Therefore, in the process of developing one household, the Prophet gives guidance to Muslims to choose a partner because of the four principles, namely beauty, lineage, wealth and religion. But the Prophet became burdensome to the virtue of religion.
There are times when people choose a partner kerana beauty and wealth that they forgot to Wordpress beauty and wealth is temporary. Likewise with the descendants and nasab not always guarantee happiness.
For that reason, the Prophet ordered kerana choose a partner because the lack of religion in a way, wealth and nasab or descendants will be enhanced by the religion. Religious woman who would arise in the face of beauty born of his soul and illuminates the whole body, not the false beauty diselaputi solekan.
Women who give birth are also religious qana'ah nature, namely the taste enough that they have and not really force myself to achieve something. This trait is said by experts with a wealth of Sufism really. Religion also distinguishes a human being with another human being, not kerana descent and position as God's word that meant: "Verily the most honored in Allah's sight are the most pious."
Thus, families who nurtured on the basis of this religion will have a clear matlamat. For them, life in this world is only one path to eternal life hereafter, so whatever they do in the family did not go out than to create original purpose vegas family who diredai God and strive to uphold the religion of Allah in all aspects of their lives.
In the Islamic family, the lawful relationship through marriage was not just pander solely worship but one aimed at giving birth zuriat generation or pious.
This pious family will give birth to a pious society and will become a principle for the state pious, bertamaddun and insightful. The concept of marriage as this is what distinguishes humans with animals. One of the best ways is to instill Consciousness to the society about the nature or the philosophy of marriage in Islam as a means of creating vegas family, not just meet the needs merely lust. Charging religious values are needed in a family that has a clear matlamat in filling a marriage.
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