Guidance in achieving family in favor of Islam in which Rahmah was higher than Mawaddah.
According to Prof Dr Hamka, mercy of higher social status than mawaddah intimate because she love between husband and wife who no longer wish berasaskan lust, instead of pure affection which grows from the innermost soul that conjugal happiness is not trimmed and tranquility that is not bounded.
In the al-Quran described Wordpress destination wedding is to achieve quiet and happiness, as the word of God is intended to:
"And among the signs of God's Wordpress He made for you spouses that you find peace / happiness with him. Then God created between you two mawaddah and mercy." (Surah al-Rum, verse 21)
It feels wonderful nature kerana Allah created in pairs. There's lunch, there was also the night. There is a fertile place, some are barren. There are mountain-high range of mountains but there is also the valley and a deep ravine. There are men and there are also women.
God created a partner for humans so they can live hand in hand, berbahagi love and grief and remain together in a sail filled with life thistles, thorns, conjecture, defiance, and in order to reach one cabaran get matlamat sakinah mardatillah family. In addition to peace in the marriage, God also created mawaddah and mercy in the hearts of husband and wife. Some of the commentators and membezakan mawaddah meaning of this mercy.
For them, mawaddah is based on the passion of love of humanity, namely the desire to make the relationship of husband and wife who will give birth and developing human offspring.
Mawaddah or desire to do this conjugal relationship is in line with the age hadnya man himself. If a man was 60-70 years old and 50-year-old woman, this will berkurangan mawaddah. So, at this time that God will lead to mercy or compassion is pure in heart related pairs.
According to Prof Dr Hamka, mercy of higher social status than mawaddah intimate because she love between husband and wife who no longer wish berasaskan lust, instead of pure affection which grows from the innermost soul that conjugal happiness is not trimmed and tranquility that is not bounded.
"(Lawful unto mangawini) maintain the honor of women among the women who believe and muhsonat women among those who received the Scripture before you, when you have to pay a dowry to marry them with the intention, not with the intention of committing adultery and not (also) make it's concubines. "(QS.5: 5).
Muhsonat in the verse is a lady, not a woman any of the scribes.
Why is that rule? Because God wants our marriage lasting, not only in this world alone but to the hereafter.
"And among the signs of His power is that He created wives for you from yourselves, that you tend to, and comforted him, and made his mawaddah and mercy between you." (QS.30: 21).
Let us consider again the meaning of the verse above. Mawaddah that does not mean only love. Love to know the meaning of 'end', but did not know the meaning mawaddah end. Love can be broken, but not mawaddah. What is the meaning of Mawaddah?
Mawaddah basic meaning is empty. Empty our hearts of memory errors ever made by our partners. Husband / wife should be aware that spouse can make a greater mistake than their partners, because it kosongkanlah heart of your partner's fault memory.
Therefore, as long as there is in the heart mawaddah both, there is no word for divorce. God closed the gap as tight-meeting for the divorce, because God does not want it. There should be no longer a gap to legitimize the permissible divorce.
The Prophet said, marriage is a very strong bond (mitsaqan ghalidzha), there is no strong bond between people as strong as marriage or in pairs.
Even if no mawaddah again, it is necessary to ask whether there was a sense of mercy (love) to the wife / husband. Even if a sense of mercy is not there anymore, what about trust? there is still trust in the hearts of each couple.
Amanah including the children, but also including the shame of each partner. A wife willing to show the jewels to her husband that is a mandate.
So when there is someone who will divorce istereinya, then Umar ibn al-Khattab asked him if he had not had a sense mawaddah him? Not answered by these people. Then Umar asked again, is he really has no mercy (love) back to his wife? Answered with no return by the person. Umarpun then asked again? What about the mandate he had given you, and ye also provides trust him?
Here are stressed God is not like to divorce, all the reasons for the occurrence of cracks sealed divorce.
"If you do not like them, (the patient) because maybe you do not like something, but God made him that much good." (QS.4: 19).
Prophet is also more or less like this: "Fear Allah, for the women, who have ditanganmu their decision to divorce. You kawinkan them with sentences of God and be Halal your relationship with them over the sentences of God ".
What is the sentence of God? The sentence of God is only used in the Qur'an only for two things, and Zawaj Nikah (marriage, but the meaning is closer in pairs). The sentence of God is the sentences that contain honesty and fair.
God says that He is not going to change the sentences. So should a man who was married and in pairs if the marriage was on the sentences they surely Allah will not change change. Divorce is to vary the sentence of God. Can not be changed if the marriage and the marriage took place with sentences of God.
"There is no change for sentences (promises) of God." (QS.10: 64).
Paired it should make no difference, for example, the right shoe should be different from the left shoe to be used. Sharp and strong needle must be balanced by the weakness of cloth to be used and made into clothes. If the needle is sharp and strong is not matched with a weak fabric but with a hard cloth such as a wall, then we can not make clothes. So also with human life, between husband and wife, if both want to have a role to be the father then the marriage will not last forever.
Are weak indicating a low degree of cloth fabrics? No. It is a phenomenon of equality, because the strength of the needle when he was alone, there is no fabric there will be no clothes so. Therefore, people who own so many things that have not been optimized or can be realized.
Subhan Allah, Allah made all things in pairs, many lessons that we can ponder.
Married or in pairs is in fact our soul together, thoughts, feelings and physical to our partners. We combine all that is in us by our partners are.
At this time they are no longer thinking about the stick ali, Viagra and other Ubat Ubat-to restore the power of inner strength, but what they want is to fill the final days with worship and draw close to God as close, close together.
They also tried to give good examples, examples and advice to children and grandchildren so that they are not wrong in choosing a way of life in the world of these allegations. This is nature's mercy.
Viewing the case in our country, where reported to have occurred many older couples who split up with kerana want to get married younger, it can be said Wordpress rahmah crisis in perkahwinan to be matlamat sex.
At this moment, as if God only gives us pleasure mawaddah but drew mercy. As a result, cases like the above to be more and more domestic happiness away.
Will reduce the mercy of God in one's family if the family fostered respect for God's intentions for calmness. Therefore, in the process of developing one household, the Prophet gives guidance to Muslims to choose a partner because of the four principles, namely beauty, lineage, wealth and religion. But the Prophet became burdensome to the virtue of religion.
There are times when people choose a partner kerana beauty and wealth that they forgot to Wordpress beauty and wealth is temporary. Likewise with the descendants and nasab not always guarantee happiness.
For that reason, the Prophet ordered kerana choose a partner because the lack of religion in a way, wealth and nasab or descendants will be enhanced by the religion. Religious woman who would arise in the face of beauty born of his soul and illuminates the whole body, not the false beauty diselaputi solekan.
Women who give birth are also religious qana'ah nature, namely the taste enough that they have and not really force myself to achieve something. This trait is said by experts with a wealth of Sufism really. Religion also distinguishes a human being with another human being, not kerana descent and position as God's word that meant: "Verily the most honored in Allah's sight are the most pious."
Thus, families who nurtured on the basis of this religion will have a clear matlamat. For them, life in this world is only one path to eternal life hereafter, so whatever they do in the family did not go out than to create original purpose vegas family who diredai God and strive to uphold the religion of Allah in all aspects of their lives.
In the Islamic family, the lawful relationship through marriage was not just pander solely worship but one aimed at giving birth zuriat generation or pious.
This pious family will give birth to a pious society and will become a principle for the state pious, bertamaddun and insightful. The concept of marriage as this is what distinguishes humans with animals. One of the best ways is to instill Consciousness to the society about the nature or the philosophy of marriage in Islam as a means of creating vegas family, not just meet the needs merely lust. Charging religious values are needed in a family that has a clear matlamat in filling a marriage.
Label: Live
Many people who complain that their weight is not ideal. Some feel that he was too fat, but some are just confused because the weight can not be increased. For most women, perhaps the title above is not too make enthusiastic, because most women want to have a thin body. But for me, tips to fatten the body precisely lately I been looking for because I want to be fat. Indeed, I got fat when pregnant until giving birth, but gradually my weight went down. At first I did not really care about it, because I feel healthy. My guidelines, skinny guns healthy important issues.
Lately I became a little concerned with my weight. This is because some friends and family often say that I was skinny. At first one or two people, but more and more frequently people commented the same thing. I became curious and wanted to check my weight. Previously, I was rarely weigh. After some comments that, in one morning I walk into a maternity clinic near the house. I intend to weigh Syifa and of course me. When considering, I got surprised because my weight ternyatai it down. If theoretically calculated by comparing height, my weight is quite low. I came home with one sentence that should produce an answer, "How yes, let me be fat?" Of course, a healthy fat. More precisely contains, not fat. Because if being fat is not good for health.
I search on google and found some tips. Most of the pages I read tips that do not serve much different. The point is eating, sleeping, snacking, and sports. Most do not provide a satisfactory explanation. After some time looking back, I finally found an address that gives tips cheap (not easy) to fatten the body. Here are my tips kutipkan I get from here. If you have a similar problem, perhaps these tips you can try and see for yourself.
Cheap way Fattening Agency
1. Sports
With exercise the body will be healthy, so that the body would function better. Try at least one week in sports at least once. With the form of sports that can make you at least sweat.
2. Drink milk
Milk than healthy can also fatten your body, especially full cream milk. It is advisable to drink full cream milk of twice a day.
3. Chewing food
When the food in the mouth then chew until smooth. This is done to facilitate the work of the stomach. Especially eat-foods that are difficult to digest. Because other than the mouth no more teeth in tlain wrought.
4. Eat regularly
Every day eat regularly. Always breakfast in the morning, lunch time and dinner. And interspersed among them can be certain foods.
5. Foods
Type of food you eat adjust to your activity. If you are moving a lot then eat a lot of carbohydrates or fats. Because if the excess, then the carbohydrate and fat will be backfilled. Unlike the proteins that the body will not be backfilled.
6. Check your health
If you have fat and then thin your health check. If it were not for the disease then at least with these tips you have there is a change in a month.
There was a little extra from other sites is important, namely that the weights among others influenced by two things:
First, genetic factors. If both parents and sister did have the same problem that is hard fat, then chances are you are genetically thin.
The second, metabolism problems, such as a disturbance in the absorption system (absorption) of nutrients in the digestive tract. Or even perhaps there is a problem in the digestive system. If you include people who often have digestive problems (frequent constipation, frequent diarrhea, or often feel pain in the abdomen) is a good idea to consult your medical specialist in internal medicine (Internist) to ascertain whether there was interference with your body.
Label: Healthy
The word psychology berasl from Greek "psyche" meaning soul. Psychology is the science which studies of human behavior.
In terms of psychology known principles of development, namely:
The development involves progressive changes that are qualitatively and quantitatively. Covers the quantitative development of child's physical development, weight, height etc (structure). While the qualitative development covers the ability to think, see, manipulate objects, etc. (functions)
Initial development is more critical than the later development. The development of children aged 0 to 8 years is a golden age where children begin to know the world and will determine how it will grow, grow, live and create in a life, this period occurs only once in their life and had an incredible impact when the child got older and children will also experience the speed of growth and rapid growth. Neurology experts believe that about 50% capacity of human intelligence has occurred when the age of 4 years, 80% occurred when the age of 8, and 100% when the child reaches the age of 8-18 years. In the first years of life, a child's brain develops very rapidly to produce bertrilyun-trillion connections that includes a variety of abilities and potential. This is what lies behind the importance of proper education for children begins at an early stage and in the hands of children is the nation determined the succession of generations.
The development is a result of the maturation process (phylogenetic) and learning outcomes (ontogenetik). This maturation process characterized by a readiness of the child physically. Preparedness involves interest in learning, consistency of interest in learning, and readiness to be progressive (forward and hold the fore)
Predictable pattern of development
The development of each child's individual
The existence of the development tasks at each stage of the age. There are so many developmental tasks a child must be adopted in order to become a complete human being physically and mentally. Where if there was a disturbance at some stage be able to influence the later development tasks. The following are duties of child development at an early age
The existence of potential hazards at each stage of the age. Every aspect of the development of motor, cognitive, language, social and emotional contains things that could potentially interfere with child development, which should be detected early. For example in language development, if the big kids in two languages, and more who do not speak the same language with their peers, resulting in difficulty understanding spoken words to his friends. In social development, if the child has an excessive dependence on other people's (dependent), and no opportunity for independent study will have difficulty in personal and social adjustment. In addition there are many potential dangers in every aspect of development, and needs further study because understanding parents against it will help parents to prevent potential hazards and also do early detection of danger.
Indo Version
Kata psikologi berasl dari bahasa yunani “psyche” yang berarti jiwa. Psikologi adalah ilmu yang mengkaji tentang prilaku manusia.
Dalam psikologi dikenal adanya istilah prinsip-prinsip perkembangan yaitu :
Perkembangan melibatkan perubahan progresif yang bersifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Perkembangan kuantitatif mencangkup perkembangan fisik anak, berat badan, tinggi badan dll (structure). Sedangkan perkembangan kualitatif mencangkup kemampuan berfikir, melihat, memanipulasi benda dll (fungsi)
Perkembangan awal lebih kritis dari perkembangan selanjutnya. Perkembangan anak usia 0 hingga 8 tahun merupakan masa keemasan dimana anak mulai mengenal dunia dan akan menentukan bagaimana ia akan tumbuh, berkembang, hidup dan berkreasi dalam menjalani kehidupannya, masa ini hanya terjadi sekali dalam kehidupan dan berdampak luar biasa ketika anak itu beranjak dewasa serta anak juga akan mengalami kecepatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Para ahli neurologi meyakini bahwa sekitar 50% kapasitas kecerdasan manusia telah terjadi ketika usia 4 tahun, 80% terjadi ketika usia 8, dan 100% ketika anak mencapai usia 8 – 18 tahun. Dalam tahun-tahun pertama kehidupan, otak anak berkembang sangat pesat dengan menghasilkan bertrilyun-trilyun sambungan yang memuat berbagai kemampuan dan potensi. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi pentingnya pendidikan yang tepat untuk dimulai pada anak sejak dini dan ditangan anak-anak inilah kelanjutan generasi bangsa ditentukan.
Perkembangan merupakan hasil dari proses kematangan (filogenetik) dan hasil belajar (ontogenetik). Proses kematangan ini ditandai dengan adanya kesiapan anak secara fisik. Kesiapan ini menyangkut minat belajar, konsistensi minat belajar, dan kesiapan bersifat progresif (maju terus kedepan)
Pola perkembangan dapat diramalkan
Adanya perkembangan individual pada setiap anak
Adanya tugas perkembangan pada setiap tahap usia. Ada banyak sekali tugas perkembangan yang harus ditempuh seorang anak agar bisa menjadi sosok manusia yang utuh secara fisik dan mental. Dimana jika terjadi suatu gangguan pada suatu tahap akan bisa mempengaruhi tugas perkembangan selanjutnya. berikut ini adalah tugas-tugas perkembangan anak pada usia dini
Adanya bahaya potensial pada setiap tahap usia. Setiap aspek perkembangan yaitu motorik, kognitif, bahasa, sosial dan emosi mengandung hal-hal yang potensial bisa mengganggu perkembangan anak, yang sebaiknya terdeteksi secara dini. Misalnya dalam perkembangan bahasa, jika anak besar dalam dua bahasa, dan lebih menguasai bahasa yang tidak sama dengan bahasa teman sebayanya, mengakibatkan kesulitan memahami kata yang diucapkan teman-temannya. Dalam perkembangan sosial, jika anak memiliki ketergantungan yang berlebihan pada oranglain (dependent), dan tidak berkesempatan untuk belajar mandiri akan mengalami kesulitan dalam penyesuaian pribadi dan sosial. Selain itu masih banyak potensi bahaya dalam setiap aspek perkembangan, dan perlu dipelajari lebih lanjut karena pemahaman orangtua terhadap hal tersebut akan membantu orangtua untuk mencegah terjadinya potensi bahaya dan juga dilakukannya deteksi dini terhadap bahaya tersebut.
Label: Live
Ini peringatan paling penting buat wanita perokok. Selain mengakibatkan penyakit pada paru-paru dan jantung, kandungan nikotin dalam rokok pun bisa mengakibatkan kanker serviks (leher rahim), lho. “Nikotin, kan, mempe! rmudah semua selaput lendir sel-sel tubuh bereaksi atau menjadi terangsang, baik pada mukosa tenggorokan, paru-paru, juga serviks. ” Sayangnya tak diketahui pasti seberapa banyak jumlah nikotin dikonsumsi yang bisa menyebabkan kanker serviks. Tapi, mengapa harus ambil risiko, lebih baik tinggalkan segera rokok jika kita ingin terbebas dari kanker.
Itu pun seharusnya atas saran dokter.” Artinya, kita jangan sembarangan membeli obat-obatan pencuci vagina. “Terlebih lagi, pembersih tersebut umumnya akan membunuh kuman-kuman. Termasuk kuman Basillus doderlain di vagina yang memproduksi asam laktat untuk mempertahankan pH vagina.” Kita tahu, bila pH enggak seimbang lagi di vagina, maka kuman lain, seperti jamur dan bakteri, bisa punya kesempatan hidup di tempat tersebut. Ini, kan, malah
Lama-lama akan bertumpuk dan mengendap menjadi benda asing yang bisa menyebabkan rangsangan sel menjadi kanker.
Beta karoten banyak terdapat dalam wortel, vitamin C terdapat dalam buah-buahan berwarna oranye, sedangkan asam folat terdapat dalam makanan hasil laut.
Hal ini berkaitan dengan kematangan sel-sel mukosa pada serviks si wanita. “Pada usia muda, sel-sel mukosa pada serviks belum matang. Artinya, masih rentan terhadap rangsangan sehingga tak siap menerima rangsangan dari luar. Termasuk zat-zat kimia yang dibawa sperma.” Lain hal bila hubungan seks dilakukan kala usia sudah di atas 20 tahun, dimana sel-sel mukosa tak lagi terlalu rentan terhadap perubahan. Nah, karena masih rentan, sel-sel mukosa bisa berubah sifat menjadi kanker. “Sifat sel, kan, selalu berubah setiap saat; mati dan tumbuh lag! i. Karena ada rangsangan, bisa saja sel yang tumbuh lebih banyak dari sel yang mati, sehingga perubahannya tak seimbang lagi. Kelebihan sel ini akhirnya bisa berubah sifat menjadi sel kanker.”
tertularnya penyakit kelamin, salah satunya Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). “Virus ini akan mengubah sel-sel di permukaan mukosa hingga membelah menjadi lebih banyak. Nah, bila terlalu banyak dan tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan, tentu akan menjadi kanker.”
berubah sifat jadi kanker.”
Nah,salah satu upaya pencegahannya tentu dengan menikah ! dan hamil. Atau bisa juga dilakukan dengan mengkonsumsi pil KB.
Sebab penggunaan pil KB akan mempersempit peluang terjadinya ovulasi. “Bila sejak usia 15 tahun hingga 45 tahun dia terus menerus ovulasi, lantas 10 tahun ia ber-KB, maka masa ovulasinya lebih pendek dibandingkan terus-menerus, kan?” Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan pil KB sebagai alat kontrasepsi
dapat menurunkan kejadian kanker ovarium sampai 50 ! persen.
Label: Healthy
While it may be the task of programming courses V of my professors, and one must use the numeric validation for entering numbers on the form of filling. Like it or not, for the validation must be valid, I immediately lead by working on javascript code to get a valid numeric validation. While atik ngutak javascript code, I also gugling, and finally creates numeric validation javascript is pretty good for me, scriptnya following:
To call the function above, we can call by typing in the text box that will contain the numeric. this example:
• onFocus event at the time meant the calling function, can be applied in addition to onFocus. Suppose onclic, onblur and others.
• txtharga1 is the name of the text box.
• checkDecimals is the name of his function.
• And this.form.txtharga1, teksbox name this.form.txtharga1.value is validated using the above function.
Good luck, good luck. If there are no roads or error, temen-temen can fill in the comment, not insyaAlloh bales.
1. Mengetahui md5 encrypt.
Untuk mengetahui hasil enkripsi md5, karakter yang telah di encript kita dapat membuka situs
2. Mengetahui status tidak terlihat lawan chating
Kita dapat membuka hidup kita dan ketik alamat email yang diinput temen chat box yang tersedia. Dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah
One time, there was a mother who complained about her son. He told me, her eldest son was the class V SD. He's stubborn, courageous mother denied. Only the father she feared. The mother was very surprised with his son's behavior. Their children often skipped school. Even in a week is often only in 3 days. Even the guardian class had several times come to the house to persuade him to return to school. As a general test any semester, the class guardian to bring about done at home. Son diligently watching television, but lazy to do the prayer.
Once upon a time, the mother went to her parents' house, a distance of 30 km from his home. This is done because it is very annoyed with his behavior. And feel burdened because they are not able to educate their children. And only the father and the child alone at home. Then the father told his son that his mother would not leave until the child pick himself and apologized. Heard his father say that, the boy and then riding a bicycle to her grandmother's house.
With this incident, the mother thought her son had changed. But unexpectedly, apparently the child back as usual. Still do anything that makes the mother and father overwhelmed.
The mother told me was in many ways done to "cure" this child. Frighten the child, that dare to parents is sinful and would later live and be tortured in hell. Even the psychologist had been, to a pack of Kyai also been done. What is suggested by the village elders to "mbancaki" are also quite done. But apparently her eldest son also did not change his condition.
Contained in the mother's mind is, how his son's future when teenagers, after the entry into junior high school or grow up, whether it will stay that way. Besides lessons in schools today are too difficult, whether the child could follow later with a good lesson.
Thrung thuung thung ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
I was shocked to hear this mother's story. I just took a deep breath. Oops .... How lightly the task of a mother. In my heart, I think ... ... ... duh, I've never been a mother, how about this dicurhati yes. : D But it's OK. This is how God mendewasakanku ... ... ... ... ... And I was challenged as well. How to cope with children like this. Although not married, does not mean it is forbidden to write about it? : D
I tried to read books about child rearing. Art Educate Children's Dr. Without Violence. Muhammad Fahd Ats-Tsuwaini. Something attracted me to pick it up from the book. He wrote, there are some things that cause children against their parents. Include:
misunderstanding and lack of
Occasionally, according to parents, the command given to children is clear and straightforward. But apparently, not so according to the child. Children feel less understanding of what was ordered by her parents. Children are then came and apologized and asked what was meant by the parent. Usually kids like this, because it was concentrating on other things, for example: eating, playing, working on homework, etc..
How to deal: When a child carried away with "world" then, repeat the command, or host sediki sound and touch him until he remembered, and then repeat the command without any emotion or anger. Sangkalah be kind to him, that he did not deliberately. Be suspect of the Muslims is obligatory, especially against children.
Looking for attention and support
Could be, disobedient child because she wanted to get attention from their parents. This could happen, either because the child was rarely observed and only when there is a dialogue that is not true in children.
How to overcome: to find a motive, why do kids do that and continued with the transfer orders to other children or do their own job. Thus, the child will be forthcoming. Listen to him. This step should also be at the right time to find the cause of a child seeking attention.
Sometimes children deliberately refuse to do something immediately. He had promised to implement. He had put it off until she felt ready to carry out the order. This can be caused due to incompetence, lack of appropriate ways of governing, or lazy and tired.
How to deal: Sometimes children feel unable to work because not strong, not to mind, or because of embarrassment. For that, understand that the opposition may be an expression of disability. Sometimes parents also gave orders to the child regardless of the situation, or when children feel tired. For that, look at the conditions, if the child is tired, may take some time to implement the state is not forced.
Refusing Parents Without command for
Sometimes children refuse to do something and show that "I do not want". In this case, there are several ways to deal with, among others:
o Teach children the meaning of obedience in terms of preferred or despised for not in disobedience
o Use a good way and appropriate when asked
o Using the words of polite when told
o Understanding the barriers children if such a situation
o Describe different opinion because when a child or explaining the benefits for parents and children in executing the command
o Describe any other causes that can draw closer the distance between children and parents, especially in terms of devotion to parents and the reward will be earned.
It was probably not easy to do all that. But there are things that motivate to educate children in such a way, to be sholeh child. How her happy to have children who sholeh. A very valuable asset, which makes the reward will not be interrupted even if the spirit has been separated from the body.
To educate children to be children who sholeh, qurrota A'yun, not enough just to one child pedagogy, but there are many things that are also needed.
Label: Jalan ke Surga
I actually started from idle pingin tau temen password, and then came the idea to do this. Before continuing my how to do temen apologize to me first. Okay, straight course.
1. Determine target
I suggest to the target alone computers, no temen kalo I do not want to go bear his sin: D
2. Once the target has been determined, the next step is we try to get into mysql. His stride is click Start> Run> type cmd
3. Going to be mysql.exe directory
To enter into mysql.exe directory, can be seen on the screen shoot below.

1. d:, to which I gave the number one "d:" It means if we want to move to partition D: \ and if the partition mysqlnya in E: \, we live to change "d:" to "e:".
2. cd xampp \ mysql \ bin, I assume that we use for installation xamp package mysqlnya. Bye command "cd" dir cange intention is used to move directories. Because in mysql.exe bin directory, then we moved to that directory.
I think the above explanation is understandable (with the assumption, usually that's like breaking the password are used to code DOS).
4. Sign in to mysql

5. Time for breaking passwords.
Well, this is what we've been waiting for. Just a little code we can get into mysql.
• Turn off mysql service.
• After that, type the following code at the command prompt:
mysqld-nt.exe - skip-grant-tables
and want more specific example, the user should be root, the command is:
mysqld-nt.exe - skip-grant-tables-user = root
• after that wait a while and the next steps into mysql with no password.

Today, many use social networking to communicate between communities or between individuals. When in Indonesia today is a face book as a communication bridge social networking, but we Taukah what is most popular in Europe today? muxlim. Yeah right muxlim. Social networking is one of Finland is the recommended for Muslims around the world, but not close the possibility for non-Muslims juga.Muxlim many facilities offer a pleasant enough. But most important is the value of modesty and communications world. In addition to value modesty in communicating via the Internet, muxlim also offers many amenities. For more details, please visit For other news can be found here read more...
Label: Computer, Jalan ke Surga
Many of us underestimate the prayers. Therefore, through this paper we will try to explain the laws on compulsory prayer berjama'ah, because the real problem is the all-important issue.
Allah SWT said many calls sha-lat in the Holy Qur'an Karim. This indicates that important case. Allah SWT says:
Steadfast in prayer, give regular Charity, and rukuklah with those who bow. (Al-Baqarah: 43)
This noble verse is about the obligation nass prayers.
And in the letter al-Nisa 'Allah says which means:
And if you are among them (friends) and you want to establish the prayer along with them, then let a party of them stand (prayer) with thee, and carry guns, and then when they (the prayers be with you) su-shape (has serekat perfect), the hen-daklah them from behind (to face the enemy) and should come second group that has not pray, then they bershalatlah with you, and let them be on the alert and carry guns ... (An-Nisa '102)
In the above verse Allah obliges sha-lat congregation of the Muslims in the war circumstances distinction. What if in a state of peace?!. Already mentioned above that should come .. and the second party had not pray, then bershalatlah with you .... This is the proposition that the prayer in congregation is far-dhu 'ain, is not obligatory kifayah, or sunnah. If legal Fardhu kifayah, congregational obligation must fall for the second group because the first group of redemption. And if the law is the Sunnah, surely the main reason is because of fear.
And in Saheeh Muslim from Abu Hurayrah said:
A blind man came to the Prophet and said: Messenger of Allah, I do not have the leads that will lead me into the mosque. Ma-ka he asked for leniency for prayer at home, then given a dispensation. Then he left, he called him and said: Did you hear adzan? Yes, he said. The Prophet said: Then fill (Attend)!
In this hadith the Messenger of Allaah be upon wassallam not provide relief to Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum radi 'anhu to pray in his house (not in congregation) although there are reasons, including:
- The situation he was blind.
- The lack of guidance to the mosque.
- Away from Masjid house.
- The palm trees and others that there is between his house and mosque.
- The existence of wild animals in Medina.
- Old age and have weak bones her.
Abu Hurayrah that the meri-wayatkan that the Prophet peace be upon wassallam has said:
I intend ordered the Muslims to establish sha-lat. So I ordered one to be a priest and prayed together. Then I leave for the Muslims who carried a bundle of firewood to the people who do not want to come to pray in congregation, and I burn their houses. (Al Bukhari-Muslim)
Above hadith have explained that the determination Messenger of Allaah be upon wassallam to burn the houses because they did not come out for prayers at the mosque. And many more hadith which describe the Prophet stern warning against those who did not attend the mosque for congregational not solely because of their prayer, they even prayed in their homes.
Ibn Hajar said: This hadith has been explained that the prayer in congregation is Fardhu 'ain, because if the prayers were only just Sunnah, the Prophet would not act against those who leave, and if Fardhu kifayah must have enough to work with him and the him.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said: You've seen us, not someone who left the prayer in congregation, except he was a hypocrite who knows nifaknya or a sick person, even one who sakitpun walking (with supported) between the two men to come to pray ( prayers in the mosque). He emphasized: The Messenger of Allaah be upon him taught us wassallam streets of guidance, and one way of guidance it is prayer in the mosque (who pray at the mosque do). (Saheeh Muslim)
Ibn Mas'ud said: Whoever would like to meet with Allah SWT at the end of the day later in a Muslim state, should maintain all the prayers that are called by Him. God Almighty has set the streets to the Prophet's guidance and prayers including one way of guidance. If you sha-lat at home then you have to leave the Sunnah of the Prophet, and you will be lost. Every man who purification well, and then to the mosque, Allah SWT will write every step of the good, picked it up one degree, and delete a crime. You've seen among us, there never was a prayer (in congregation), except a hypocrite who has appeared nifaknya. Once there was a man comes with a guided between two people to set up rows.
Ibn Mas'ud, Abdullah Ibn Abbas and Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari radi 'anhum said: Anyone who heard adzan then he does not come without udzur, then there is no prayer for him.
Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib said: There are no neighbors except the mosque to pray in the mosque. When asked to him: Who neighboring mosque? He said: Anyone who heard the call adzan. Then he said: Whoever heard adzan calls and he does not come then there is no prayer for him, unless he has udzur.
Abandon prayer in congregation is one of the causes for leaving the prayer at all. And keep in mind that prayer is kufr, and out of Islam. This is based on the words of the Prophet: The line between someone with kufr and shirk is prayer. (Narrated by Muslim). Promise between us and limit the unbelievers is prayer. He who left, according to the ruling.
Every Muslim must keep praying on time, doing the prayer that is prescribed in accordance with God, and working in congregation at the houses of God. Every Muslim must obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear of the wrath and siksanya.
There was no denying the prayer in congregation has some wisdom and benefit. Wisdom that looks are:
- Will arise among Muslims will recognize one another and help each other in goodness, faith, and mutual intestate with truth and patience.
- Mutual encouragement to others who had left her, and provide teaching to the ignorant.
- Fostering a sense of hypocrisy tidak-suka/membenci.
- Show syiar-syiar God amidst His servants.
- Support mission in words and deeds.
Hadiths about the necessity of prayer walking and maah implement obligations in the house of God very much, therefore every Muslim must pay attention, and hasten to do it. Also shall notify this to the children, families, neighbors, and all my friends seaqidah that they carried out the orders of Allah and His Messenger and that they were afraid of the prohibition of God and His Messengers and that they distanced themselves from the properties despicable hypocrite, of whom dianta lazy to do the prayer
Label: Jalan ke Surga
$db = "nama_databasenya";
// Dengan asumsi, hostnya = localhost, usernya = root, dan passwordnya kosong
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pegawai");
while($rec = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
echo $rec[0];
When the early familiar with the Internet, often making a name an email, not because of hobby, or infatuated mbuat by email, but because rarely make email trus forgotten password. And custom made e-mail is still to this day. Kalo used for forgetting the password, but now because of the need reply. Probably from temen-temen many who think that if we chat in YahooMessenger can only open one YahooMessenger applications, it is not entirely true, because after gugling, we were able to use the application more than one YahooMessenger. So, who has a hobby to an email (the email more than one, can take advantage of this way). Here I write how we are setting up your computer in order to activate the application YahooMessenger more than one, or multiple users kere'nnya term YahooMessenger. Here are the steps (there are 2 ways).
(there are 2 ways).
Cara 1
Add parameters in the windows registry, let me not bother typing, we can mengkopykan code below and paste it in notepad aja, trus save with the name YM_multi.reg
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ yahoo \ pager \ Test]
"Plural" = dword: 00000001
and double click (double click) the file YM_multi.reg newly created earlier. Or by using the second way below
Cara 2
1. Start-> Run and type regedit and then press Enter while reading bismillah.
2. Search for key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Yahoo \ Pager \ Test]
3. After that right click on the key test select New | DWORD Value
4. Then delete the name New Value # 1 and typing plural
5. Then double-click will display the Edit DWORD Value dialog and insert its value data values 00000001 and OK and close the registry editor.
The next step is to run the application you YahooMessenger, of course, use more than one user, so that the changes we have just done looking results. Good luck and reply can be written is less clear dikomentar.
Label: tips komputer
At that time, as usual, often nangkring in campus computer labs. A brother tiba2 level and he brings his laptop into the confusion for system operations (in windows). "Why?". I asked him. It turned out that the problem of forgotten passwords login windowsnya. I was asked bobolin trus password or intervene so he could get into windowsnya. Without reinstall he said. As usual, skinfold-type cuss trus .... immediately get into windows without reinstalling course. If temen2 pingin langkah2nya tau into windows and forgot my password. Consider the following step by step.
1. Restart the computer (assuming we had the windows login) and go through the administrator (by pressing the F10 key) with a note not to forget admin password or admin password blank. And even if it does not matter dipasswordpun administrator (see the guide after this).
2. After that, we will find the display menu (in the form of DOS). Simply select the save mode (usually the top).
3. And we will go smoothly. But with crude display. Although we already get in windows, but our mission was not finished because our goal is to reset the user password (which had been forgotten password lho ..)
4. To reset your password, as usual, we headed to the control panel User => Accounts and select the user who forgot password and change password or kosongin aja. After that restart windowsnya and go as usual.
5. Say Alhamdulillah successful reply. Kalo blm successful, could leave a comment. And include the reason for failure.
Oh yeah ... almost forgot, the administrator dipassword kalo, can collapse mendownlud article windows.doc password. Good luck.
Label: tips komputer
Controlling Another Computer in One Network
Diposkan oleh satriyo al-jef pada Minggu, Maret 08, 2009A little story of my profession as an IT teacher in elementary school. when the hour of rest as usual the kids drove to the lab computer (for nge-game). According to school rules, a computer lab may not be used for nge-game during recess. But since anak2nya bandel2, dicuwekin rules only. But I do not run out of ideas to overcome the stubborn anak2, ie by Radmin installed on each computer with the goal, every child who nge-game in the computer lab, not just close the game through my laptop (I also happen to computers connected to the network.
Here are the steps for setting up Radmin.
1. Radmin software should be available, the reply has not done, can ask a neighbor or donlud here (
2. After the software downloaded, then install Radmin is to control (controller) on a computer that we use (the name rview33.exe). Then create a new user and do not forget the password.
3. After that, who wants to move kekomputer controlled (another computer) and install Radmin for the client (name rserv33.exe). Radmin installed the same as the first, which is to enter a user and password. That will be used when we want to control the client computer (must enter a username and password).
4. Back kekomputer us, and run Radmin Viewernya.
To run it, we must know the IP address of the computer that we want to control.
Good luck ...
Label: tips komputer
Ideal woman, they are willing to live on this earth to serve as Alloh, pursue a life by holding on to the Qur'an and Sunnah, to understand the meaning of creation itself in this world. Women are the most beautiful jewelry that feels its beauty when the love is based by the liver and Alloh alone, not the love of passion and the dregs of mind alone.
Allow me to write the criteria most beautiful woman worthy dream in the hearts back to get rindho Divine.
* Covering Aurotnya because Alloh.
"Asma Binte Abu Bakr had met Allah's Apostle wearing thin clothes. Word Apostle: O Asma! Truly a girl who has not berhaid limbs menzahirkan him except his wrists and face alone. "Bukhari and Muslim History.
"O my daughter Fatimah! As for the women who would hang his hair until his brain to boil them in hell is it in the world does not want to close her hair than visits by non-mahram men. "Bukhari and Muslim.
* Maintain honor.
"Who are the woman who wears perfume then passes through a people so that they smell it, then she had considered doing adultery, and every eye was adultery." Nasaii History, Ibn Khuzaymah and Hibban.
* Helper and obedient to her husband
Helper and obedient to her husband, namely to understand the task and the meaning of creation to himself. "Every woman who helps her husband in matters of religion, then Allah will admit him into heaven ahead of her husband (10,000 years)".
* Lowering view
"And say to the believing women, let them subdue some of the scenery." An Nur: 31.
Ntar plus, wait yes. Ngetiknya tired again ... ..
We often went climbing in the beauty of this world, we are trapped in a situation where we forget the love that should be given the artificial beauty that looks right superficial existence. But in reality, I was only able to pray Alloh may provide for His servants who missed one of the few women in this world dreams. Amin ya Alloh
Label: Jalan ke Surga
Indeed, kalo dah name dealing with the virus, anyone will be upset made. Flash Disk is one of the intermediate medium used to develop the virus themselves. Namely through a file called autorun.inf. with the file, the virus will run when the flash is plugged into the computer and the end of the virus as chicken breed, which can nelor dimana2.
Now, with stetmen above, we can halt the spread of the virus through the flash disk. There are several ways to stop work at autorun virus, one of which is to disable the autorun settings on the computer. Here's one step:
1. Open the Registry Editor, by clicking the Start Menu> Run and type regedit and click OK
2. Find Location
KEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
3. Create a new key (Right click> New> DWORD Value) give name: NoDriveAutoRun
4. Double-click to fill the value (data). Select Base: Decimal Value data and fill with a value of 67108863
5. If necessary, can also add the same value in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
6. Restart Computer
But by using the above, the propagation the virus is not stopped only until there. Let me give an example, for example if we have a flash disk infected with the virus, and we accidentally clicking on an existing virus within the flash disk, the computer as a result we are still contracted the virus while already in disable autorun (turned off).
So do not try to hurt us the second way, which prevents malicious files mengopykan virus to enter our flash disk kedalah. His stride is simple and fairly short.
1. Create a folder named "autorun.inf" in the flash disk, then change its status through the folder properties to be read only, or reply to more powerful change to the file system. (for number two, I've read like that, but I lack detailed explanation tau)
2. Actually, the above step is sufficient, but if you want more powerful, autorun.inf folder in the above, we create a new file named NiHauMa or any file that is Chainis code, because the virus does not recognize the use chainis vbscript code.
And if the above step is less powerful, you can download the program maker's proven autorun.inf. I love the name Ni aja ya. Flash Disinfector, yes it's called. Flash Disinfector is a small program that serves to remove the virus "autorun.inf" that many infected flash disk in Indonesia, even in the world. The way this program works is to replace the file "autorun.inf" in the flash disk with a folder "autorun.inf" created by Flash Disinfector. Then the file "autorun.inf" will be protected by Flash Disinfector, so the virus will not be able mendelete or replace the file.
Folder "autorun.inf" which made Flash Disinfector on-the-hidden and protected so can not be deleted by the virus or by another person, because it is considered by the Windows file system. Folder "autorun.inf" is also made in each "root" computer hard drives by Flash Disinfector netter. Want? I actually would not include too, but a slow connection, so temen-temen can nyari digugel. Welcome bergugling ria ...
This paper was sent in on Monday, February 23rd, 2009 at 10:34 and computer science fill below. You can continue to see the response from this paper through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can respond, or trackback from your site. Change this entry.
Label: komputer, tips komputer
JavaScript is a scripting programming language that is very popular in the field of web design. With this language we can create interactive web pages. For example, we can display a calendar or animated clock on our website.
Because JavaScript is a scripting language, so no need to compile programming language like the desktop. Way of writing is very simple. We just need to insert the JavaScript code in HTML documents.
In the HTML document JavaScript code placed between the SCRIPT tag with the following syntax:
Network software is used to monitor the client computer. want? donlud aja disini
angry ipscanner
is the software used to scan ip addres in a LAN. besides, there are also other fasilitas2. want to try, here downlud aja
hacking tools to try this? seru lho ... aja capture such tools here
Kristal XP
Cristall XP
VLC Player (Windows XP version)
Sometimes even we often want to movie or audio muter but did not know what applications we use. With VLC, you can play all kinds of audio and video files. If you want to try this one, can be downloaded at VLC
Spyware Terminator
reply to another hospital because of infected spyware, this program can donlud I love ya ..
Metacafe Pro
Download file2 video and other files from seemed to be served. Why so, because in my experience, I downloaded a video file without having to click over there and here but it is also very fast process. Attracted? take aja in
Syntax Highlighter
Collection of javascript files that are used to pemostingan code / syntax programming to make it easier understood by the reader. For clarity, syntax downlud aja
ext js
For web developers, kalo nyoba not this one, I think is still not complete, many kemudahan2 here. EXT JS
Label: Download
Laptop computers are basically an alternative to desktop computers. They have larger screens, are more powerful, have faster processors and are portable. The best thing about any laptop is this portability element. You can carry it anywhere; it is just like a walking desktop computer. Smaller versions of laptops are the notebooks and they are easier to carry around. Today there are many laptops available in the market and you will have to be precise in exactly what you want.
If you can do without the newest cutting edge techies then do away with them. They are an added jargon if you are not going to use them. But one thing that you need to keep in mind is that you will not have a choice of getting the parts you want. Unlike a desktop computer, laptops are compact and have only those things which the manufacturer is willing to supply you. Therefore it is a rule that when you buy a laptop, get one from a branded company. This will ensure that the parts inside are not fake or of poor quality. Usually every brand has different laptops depending on the combination of the processor speed and RAM. It is best to select you processor size and then see which other options you want. Intel processors are the best in this regard and you must get Intel for your laptop.
1. Pricing for this will be around and above of twelve hundred dollars and be ready to spend more. Moving on to the screen size, you will have to choose that for yourself. It depends on how much strain your eyes can take; anything lower than a fifteen inch screen is not recommended. Get a 1GB memory as it will be the best to run everything from Windows Vista to Windows XP. You can go for a RAM of lower size but your laptop will become incredibly slow and these basics will help make it work faster. The hard drive is another issue that you should look at. If your work requires you to store a lot of data then a big hard drive is a necessity.
However, if your work is mostly internet based with not much physical storing of data involved then a lower hard disk will be fine. But make sure that it is a minimum of 40GB to start with. Other than this DVD's will do all the other storage.
2. Another must have is a DVD writer. Your work may not involve writing much stuff but you might require writing at some point and then not having a writer will cost you much pain. So get a writer, even if additional cost is involved, and say thanks to you. Other accessories like a Bluetooth port or a wireless port is worth having. If you need them for your work then get them otherwise keep them, you can use them at any time. But, your laptop will surely cost a minimum of thousand dollars if you want a decent one. Laptops are available for six hundred dollars also but they will not be so great and so efficient. However it is entirely dependant on the type of work you are going to do in it. So, keeping these considerations in mind get the laptop which suits your work and purpose.
Special things at laptops
Laptops have the same components as desktop computers, we only need to look after some components:
- Battery
If you go on the road where is no electricity you need a good battery so that your laptop will work without it.
- Modem, PC-CARD, web card
You need at least one of this components so your computer can be connected to the internet.
- Weight
If you are planning to carry your laptop around in a backpack you should look after the weight of the laptop.
All other components you can find on our website in the menu at left side.
Guide to Buying computer
Laptop buying guide
Article Source:
Label: Computer, tips komputer
There are two kinds of software internationalization you can refer to - built in to the product from the start, and performed on existing code. The kind of internationalization (i18n) this article invokes isn’t the sort that’s designed into a product right from conception. That is less common, though the pull of global markets is changing that tide. Few application development teams have historically had the opportunity to incorporate world market foresight. They had to produce a product to market for the most immediate business requirements. So then most internationalization happens on existing code because someone sells something, a global company buys another company, or a strategic initiative has taken form. Suddenly there is a new requirement for software to work in any number of new languages and locales. Business requirements drive technical schedules first, rather than involving a creative path of inventing new cool functionality or products from the ground up.
I’m tempted to just write Don’t Panic, carry a towel and avoid Vogon poetry - and while you’re at it, Unicode’s pretty good stuff. I’m being flippant because internationalization efforts tend to each have their own unique challenges when you get into the details. I’ll instead provide this article as a series of i18n process tips that apply across the board. In general Internationalization (i18n) is messy, full of exceptions, and generally not considered optimally from a development perspective. Maybe that should be tip one.
Tip One: Internationalization is ugly. Expect that from the start. You are reverse engineering basic logic of how your software inputs, stores, retrieves, transforms and displays data. You are adding user interaction functionality that your product wasn’t originally designed to do. It’s rarely just about embedded strings. There are a lot of things that can go wrong. It’s a lot of work. In some cases you can run into weird stuff from areas such as compilers, middleware, database connectivity, and even low level operating system issues.
Tip Two: Get the big picture questions handled quickly. That is, what are the high level requirements, how much time do you have, how much time do you need and how much budget can you get? Be prepared to ask for what you need in the CFO’s or CEO’s language.
Tip Three: Remember what’s driving this - Revenue. Internationalizing a complex application is a big new requirement. Don’t underestimate. Being late will cause delays in revenue, stall marketing and sales investments and make you very unpopular. Do it poorly and rushed, and your product will be shabby for the very new customers you seek.
Tip Four: Do some good research or get help identifying requirements. For instance, consider language only as one aspect of a locale. English is a language. Yet England is a different locale, with different expected behavior than the States. Consider numerical formats, dates, times, postal addresses, phone numbers, paper size, currencies and more. Then add the specifics that your application may need, like any possible customizations of workflow, locale selection and more. Consider what the optimal character encoding implementation strategy is for your computer platforms, application tiers, programming languages, database requirements, etc.
Tip Five: Get some good code intelligence. Tools like our Globalyzer software let you comb through your source and identify all kinds of internationalization issues right up front. It’s way better to get a good inventory of what you need to inspect and change, rather than hunting through your myriad lines of code trying to anticipate all kinds of variable conditions using grep, and then trial and error your way through the boatloads of issues you’ll miss.
We are just adding a new capability to Globalyzer called Diagnostics. It will give you summary information internationalization readiness and issues found in your code. It’s fully functional even with just a trial Globalyzer license. No excuses, it’s free to use all you want.
Tip Six: Prepare for nests of difficulties depending upon your programming language(s), database and third party products. Programming languages rate differently in terms of difficulty to internationalize. For instance C and C++ are harder, with many hundreds of potential issues, compared to Java and C#, which have quite a bit of internationalization baked in. But Java and C# don’t internationalize themselves. You have to use their frameworks, which are very capable. The good thing is that when a programming language has well designed internationalization capability, the work goes faster.
Tip Seven: Third party products can cause some challenges. They are not always built for your new internationalization needs. For instance, a couple of years ago we worked on a product that used a third party product for displaying animations in a kid’s game. At first glance, you wouldn’t think it would be an issue, as there was no text being processed or displayed. But when we looked at things more closely, user name and file path info was being passed into the animation tool, which in this case could very well involve wide characters (e.g. Chinese). But the particular version of the animation product, could not support this and so it would always crash. The fix took time and some inventiveness.
Another example involved a third party product that generated a spreadsheet view. While data within the cells was handling Kanji just fine, tabs were corrupting. The third party product provider had declared their product Unicode compliant, but in practice it wasn’t done all the way through. The choice became to find a better third party product to replace this one, or get the spreadsheet provider to fix their product -which they may or may not want to do on your schedule.
Tip Eight: Remember your i18n fundamentals. Don’t embed strings or concatenate them. Watch out for sorting. A and Z are not the beginning and end of all alphabets - some languages don’t use the concept of alphabets. Don’t hardcode fonts. Remember your interface Geometry will need to expand. Use functions, methods or classes that adapt to locale needs. Use Locale adapting sorting (i.e. java.text.Collator class in Java) or let your database perform sorting for you whenever possible.
You can automate aspects of repetitive like string externalization using Globalyzer. It makes that tedious job go much faster.
Tip Nine: Account for merging code with parallel feature developments. This can be tricky, as your new feature development cycles could be quite different from your internationalization milestones. In most cases, be prepared to branch the code for internationalization efforts.
Tip Ten: Use Pseudo Localization (PseudoJudo in Globalyzer) to perform many internationalization functional tests before your localize. That means you add pad characters from target locales to the beginning and end of strings, and stretch the whole string based on target requirements. You’ll then be able to see how those strings behave in your display and moving through application tiers, without your engineers needing to understand the target language.
Bonus Tip Eleven: Plan for QA to take longer than it did when your app was just monolingual. Remember, you have internationalization functional testing and bug fixing, with new testing cases, and then, should you be localizing, you have linguistic testing.
by: Adam Asnes
Label: Computer
How To Troubleshoot Your Computer Hardware
Diposkan oleh satriyo al-jef pada Selasa, Januari 13, 2009There could be many reasons why you’d want to troubleshoot your computer, well, one actually and that’s because something is not working right. The process of troubleshooting is something you learn after working for a long time with computers. Often enough when there’s a problem, nothing is going to explicitly tell you what is causing the problem and how you can fix it. By taking logical steps and walking through the process of troubleshooting you should be able to solve almost any computer problem, software or hardware related. It involves identifying the problem(s), finding the cause of that problem, determining the solution, executing that solution, and testing and checking that solution to see if it solves your problem.
As an example let’s say one day while using your computer the screen suddenly turns all black and you can’t see anything. We found a problem now what would be the first step to take to fix it? First check to see if the monitor is on and is receiving power, most monitors when they have power, but no connection or connection problems with the computer will display a message that says this monitor is working, but make sure you check your cables. So the next logical step to take would be to check the cable to make sure it is properly connected and secured to the VGA slot behind your computer case and to make sure the monitor cable is plugged into the monitor. Now, here’s where you have to decide what would be the next best course of action to take. you could either swap out your monitor with another monitor that you know is working to see if the problem is the monitor itself and nothing else or you can try to see if the problem is your graphics card. If your replacement monitor works, good, then you know your culprit is a bad monitor and you’ll most likely have to get a new one, because monitors are dangerous and too costly service. If the replacement monitor you used shows up a black screen as well, the next thing you’d do is check to make sure the graphics card is properly seated in the motherboard, if it is and the display is still not showing up, then swap out the graphics card to see if your problem is fixed.
Generally there are only so many steps you can take before you solve the problem and everything is back in order. Make sure that before you start testing and swapping out parts that the problem wasn’t caused by you changing a software setting in Windows or some ambiguous option in the motherboard’s BIOS that causes your problem.
The motherboard is the heart of the computer, every part of the computer relies on the motherboard to function correctly. It maintains connection between every PC component and ensures that things are operating smoothly between them. Many signs of motherboard failure is that the computer won't boot up, not reaching the POST test, erratic system behavior, different combinations of components not working. Because everything is connected to the motherboard certain parts may or may not work correctly if the motherboard is faulty so be sure to test those parts before thinking they're dead and getting new ones.
Be sure to do a visual inspection of the motherboard to make sure all cables are seated properly, the fans are spinning, and that the CMOS battery is in it's proper place.
Also check for any broken or leaking capacitors, those can immediately render a motherboard dead.
Make sure that all of the jumpers are set correctly as well, you should be able to find jumper information in your motherboard's manual, and if you don't have the manual you should be able to find the manual on the Internet at the motherboard manufacturer's website.
Many of the problems caused by a bad motherboard is also similar to problems caused by a faulty or dying power supply, so be sure to check if the power supply is faulty or swap it out for another to see if your problem is fixed. If you have a spare motherboard you can try swapping out the motherboard to see if that solves your problem, if that's the case then the motherboard is most likely faulty. If you think the motherboard is faulty and it is still in warranty you should be able to send it back to the manufacturer for a new one with no hassle, sometimes they might even pay for the shipping & handling if it is a big problem that is happening with a certain line of motherboards. Make sure that when you open a motherboard you keep all of the packaging and the box, and if there are any stickers that will void the warranty if removed make sure you do NOT remove them, so that way it is easier to send back.
Power Supply
If you suspect your power supply is giving you trouble, make sure you check it out fast, because power supplies can make trouble with the rest of your system as well. Irregular voltages sent from the power supply can short circuit and overheat your components thus frying them and making them unusable. Some faulty power supplies have even caught on fire, but if you’re lucky it might just smoke a little and start to smell. A few signals that your power supply is bad or is going bad would be erratic and seemingly random system behavior like system hangs and crashes, and burning smells along with smoke.
If you recently upgraded your system or added new hard drives, disk drives, a graphics card or anything for that matter, be sure to check if your power supply is being overloaded with hardware. A good way to check is to use a power supply calculator. One time when I upgraded my system with a new fancy PCI Express 16x Graphics card, well it was fancy back then, I had problems with the graphics card performing while in 3d games, it was all due to my power supply being unable give it enough juice on the 12v rails so it performed poorly and didn’t act as it should have, I even swapped out the graphics card for another one believing it was bad, after checking the manufacturer’s forums it seemed like a lot of people were having problems with faulty cards, so I figured mine must have been faulty too. After getting the new card it seemed like it performed better for a little bit longer, which could’ve just been some optimizations they did to circuit board. Seeing how they sent me an upgraded version of the same card, but it wasn’t until I checked my power supply wattages that I found the real culprit.
The first thing to do to diagnose your power supply is check the power supply connectors, make sure everything is plugged into the motherboard and the power cable is plugged into the power supply, you wouldn’t believe how many people forget to plug in their computer. Many power supplies also have a power switch on them so check to make sure that no one accidentally or purposefully switched it off maybe for a prank. Check the fan to see if it is spinning at the correct speed and if it’s dusty vacuum it out. Determine if the power supply cables are giving out the right amount of voltage, if you computer will let you boot you should be able to check them in the BIOS menu to see if the correct voltages are being given. Normal power supplies give +3.3 volts DC, +5 volts DC, -5 volts DC, +12 volts DC, and -12 volts DC.
Faulty RAM can have many adverse effects on your system. Constant lockups, computer rebooting, memory error message (duh), system crashes, and sometimes refusing to boot up are all signs of memory errors. Though, these are also signs for motherboard, hard drive, and power supply problems too. Luckily for you if you think your memory is subject to causing a disruption in your system there are programs that can check the memory for it's performance and to see if it is generating any errors.
Memtest86+ is an amazing memory diagnostic program. It is based off of the original Memtest86 that has been around since 1994 and is used by system-builders, average joes, and professionals in the IT world. It's a standalone memory check test which means it can be easily run without a bootable operating system, that's good if you can't just seem to get your PC started and want to rule out your memory as quickly as possible.
How To Use Memtest86 With Your Floppy Drive To Test Your Memory
First go their website at and select the most appropriate version to download. You can download the bootable iso or the Pre-compiled floppy drive depending on whether you want burn a CD or use your floppy drive. We're going to go into details on floppy method.
Open up the .zip and extract the files to a folder, then click on install.bat, you will be asked to “Enter target diskette drive:”. Type A and hit enter then it will ask you to insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press -Enter-: after you hit enter it will write some files to your floppy so you can boot your computer with the floppy to test for errors.
After the floppy has been formatted with Memtest86+, leave the floppy in your floppy drive and reboot your computer. Remember to set your floppy drive as the first boot device in your BIOS menu.
The program will automatically load and perform the memory diagnostic tests on your computer. During the testing if there any errors they will show up and at the end of the test it will tell you how many errors you've had.
After testing your memory if you receive any errors you should make sure that your memory is okay either by swapping it out and seeing the problems still occur or try your memory in another system. If the memory passes the tests then you proceed to troubleshoot something else with good faith that your memory is fine.
Hard Drive
The hard drive is that ultimate safe to everything important on your computer. It keeps all of your information, files and folders, music, videos, favorite websites, and programs. With a bad hard drive there's no reason to have a computer. In terms of fixing a computer if the hard drive isn't salvageable then most people don't even want to bother with the rest, because their computer is probably a piece of junk that has been handed down from time to time. Generally when a hard drive is about to fail it's usually years down the road from first acquiring the computer. So the next best option rather than replacing the drive is to just buy a new computer, or build a new one, because your old one sure is probably not running as fast as it used to.
Luckily before your hard drive kicks the bucket there is usually a few warning signs:
Abnormally slow file transfers
Problems with booting, especially when Windows is being loaded
Corrupted files
Disappearing files or folders
Loud hard drive noise is a good sign that there is a mechanical problem going on inside
If your hard drive exhibits any of these signs be sure to transfer all of your files to another source immediately, and do not continue to do day-to-day activities with that hard drive. If it doesn't show any of these tell-tale signs, however you have a gut feeling that your hard drive is on the brink of destruction you can try using many different drive testing utilities available on the internet. The hard drive manufacturer usually has at least one qualified tool that you can download from their website and run. Other ways to check the health of your hard drive involves running the Windows Error Checking tool by right clicking on your hard drive in 'My Computer' then selecting 'Properties' and going to the 'Tool' and clicking on “Check Now”, or checking the SMART status located in your motherboard's BIOS. SMART stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology. Most motherboards nowadays has this technology. It should be automatically enabled in your BIOS, if it's not then your hard drive won't get checked. What it does is on boot up it will perform quick tests on your hard drive to ensure it is running correctly and it will continue to monitor it for any errors or abnormal problems that may occur as long as the computer is turned on.
Watching movies, videos, playing games, and looking at NSFW material are all amazing things we can do on our computers. Yet there may come a day where you just want to get on your computer and relax in your computer room looking at all that NSFW material you have bookmarked under the “Special Sites” category, but you can’t because your monitor won’t turn on. No, you don’t frump and punch holes in the walls to look for an outlet for your rage. You troubleshoot it, and hope to god that your monitor isn’t broken!
When diagnosing a screen problem, half the time it’s usually something very easy, like a cable coming loose, or the monitor getting unplugged accidentally; unfortunately the other half the time it’s probably a problem that’s related to your monitor being old, or a problem that’s related to your graphics card instead. So you may have to diagnose both items at the same time to see which solves your problem.
First, check all your cables, I know this is probably getting a little old with the checking connections and everything, but so many computer problems can be avoided if people just remember that their computer isn’t always going to stay the same way they left it. A foot could kick out a cable, a dog or a cat that got to curious, or almost anything can render half your hardware useless.
After checking all your cables, make sure your screen has power, if it has power and shows a message such as “This monitor is working correctly please check your cable” and shows bars of color on the screen, that means that your monitor is not getting a signal from your computer. Try swapping out the monitor for another one to see if it still says that message. If it does then that means the problem is most likely something to do with your graphics card not seated in the motherboard, or just isn’t working properly, you may want to try swapping out another graphics card to see if that solves your problem.
Generally monitors don’t have that many diagnosable problems. Either they work and they work well, or they don’t work and you have to replace them. When working on a monitor you should never open them, they aren’t meant to be serviced and contain high charged capacitors that hold lethal doses of electricity. We wouldn’t want to read about a computer guy in the obituaries now would we?
Graphics Card
The glorious graphics card, it’s an amazing thing really. It makes all those pretty HDR (High Dynamic Range) pictures look just that good, it keeps your games running smoothly, and your videos in HD. Yet these things can be pains when they’re just not working right, because if something is wrong there’s not a strict hardware or software solution, you have to analyze the current situation to see what’s up.
First and foremost if you’re having any problems with your graphics card, probably the best thing to try to do first is see if there an updated driver for it at the manufacturer’s website that may solve the problem, or if there isn’t an update try uninstalling your graphics drivers and reinstalling them this little action can solve so many problems.
If there’s little jaggies or weird colorful mishaps known as artifacts appearing on your screen you may want to check the temperature of your graphics and make sure is getting enough cooling, and that the fan is working properly. If the cooling checks out okay you may also want to check your power supply ratings to see if it is giving enough juice to your graphics card. Nowadays most graphics cards need a lot of power on the 12v rails, make sure your power supply can give you that power that the graphics card needs.
Sound Card
Some of the typical problems people have with sound cards is either A) no sound or B) no sound. Sounds card typically aren't very expensive so having to replace one if the current one isn't working is no big deal. However, if you're one of those audiophile types who expect 100% original recording quality with your $300 sound card replacing one of those is as expected a lot more harder to do.
Sound Card Troubleshooting
Check speaker cables make sure they're all connected and plugged into the right spot on your sound card. Also check the speaker's power cables.
Make sure windows volume is turned up and the volume is not muted, also make sure that you have all the wave and playback volume turned up and not muted. If you have 'Digital Output Only' checked in your Advanced Controls for Playback Controls, try unchecking it to see if that solves your non-sound problem. I found that if I have that checked my sound card won't give me any sound.
Try reinstalling your sound card drivers, also try checking on the internet at the manufacturer's website for any updated drivers that may be available. They increase your sound card's compatibility with your system.
If the previous tips didn't help, then you may just have to replace your sound card, or atleast swap it out for another one to see if it might be a problem related to your sound card's connection to the motherboard instead.
The processor is the actual thinking part of the brain of the computer. It does all the calculations needed to make a computer run, and does them all in split second timing. It determines how fast your computer generally runs, and most of the time is a bottle neck for systems that have had everything upgraded except the CPU.
If your processor’s not working, it’s not the end of the world, generally most processors that work correctly for a few weeks, should work correctly for the rest of it’s lifespan, which varies from 5-10 years or so. As long as you’re not overclocking the processor or letting it overheat too badly your processor should be fine, and it could just be a BIOS setting that’s messed up, or a jumper setting, but for kicks just check to make the processor is seated properly and the heat sink is attached to the processor and the motherboard. The heat sink should be attached tightly to the motherboard and not have room to move about, you should be able to pick up your motherboard by grabbing onto the heat sink without any problems. Check in your motherboard manual to make sure all the jumpers are set correctly for your type of processor. Any jumpers set incorrectly can cause the processor to not work, or function correctly or at it’s optimal speed. Also check the heat sink to see if it is cooling off the processor, if it’s not doing a very good job you may want to look into investing in a better one that gets the job done.
by: Steven Stoddard
Label: Computer